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It is dangerous for children to sleep and snore

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   is sleeping near the snoring people, listening to the rumbling snoring is a very painful thing. As for the snorers themselves, although they are unaware of them, snoring is also harmful to them. For example, some snorers suffer from a disease called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. While sleeping, their trachea is blocked from time to time, and each time the trachea is blocked, the snorers will temporarily suffocate.

  Not only that, there is evidence that Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome affects children''s cognitive ability and behavior. Children with this disease exhibit language difficulties and have difficulty concentrating. They also score relatively low on intelligence tests.

  At present, it is not known whether children who are snoring but not suffering from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are also at risk of experiencing cognitive and behavioral problems. However, a recent survey found that many children who do not suffer from the above-mentioned diseases but snoring scored significantly lower than those who did not snoring on intelligence tests on cognitive ability and behavior. Among the children who are snoring, which ones are at risk to encounter cognitive and behavioral problems, and which are not, need further investigation and research.

  If your child screams frequently and has learning and/or behavioral problems, you can consult a sleep specialist to see if your child has obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. There are many reasons that can cause snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, but the most common are tonsil hypertrophy and enlarged lymph glands. In this case, the effective treatment is to remove the tonsils and lymph glands.

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