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What diseases can cause "downhill difficulties"

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   As the saying goes: going up the mountain is easy, but going down the mountain is difficult. Although many friends are very cryptic about this remark, it is difficult to go up the mountain, and even force people to take the cable car, but as an orthopedist, there are more examples of the difficulty of going down the mountain in clinical work.

   First, for those with knee joints For people with osteoarthrosis, it is difficult to go down the mountain. When going down the mountain, the human knee joint is often in a semi-flexed state, and the pressure in the joint cavity is high. The articular cartilage in patients with knee osteoarthropathy wears out, and there is even joint effusion. Due to the impact of body weight and the joint cavity when going down the stairs Under the dual action of internal stimulation, discomfort symptoms will occur.

Secondly, for people with lumbar spinal stenosis, going downhill is difficult. When a person is going downhill, the center of gravity of the body tends to move backwards, so the torso of the torso appears, and the torso of the torso is equivalent to that the waist of the human body is in a stretched state. In this position, the diameter of the lumbar spinal canal of the human body is shortened, resulting in the lumbar The tube is narrower than usual, which in turn worsens the symptoms of low back and leg pain.

   Third, for the elderly with osteoporosis, it is difficult to go down the mountain. For these people, due to the lack of calcium, the coordination ability of nerves, muscles, ligaments, and joints is reduced. It is particularly prominent when doing downhill movements. It often produces soft legs and no roots under the feet. It is difficult to go downhill because of a fall or cramps.

  Fourth, when going up the mountain, we often focus on climbing the stairs, and when going up the mountain, a lot of physical energy is consumed. As a result, the physical strength of the up and down mountains cannot be divided equally. Or the leg is not strong enough to be injured.

  In common sense, climbing up the mountain panting is actually a test of the heart and lung function of a person, and going down the mountain is a test of the health of the bones and joints of the person. It is recommended that friends reasonably arrange festival activities and take holiday Leisure becomes an opportunity to promote good health and enjoy a better life.

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