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What to eat when you are on fire

BY Berton Gladstone 2018-08-07

   "Fire" in the lungs: cough; "Fire" in the liver: insomnia: "Fire" in the stomach: bad breath.

  If you have red eyes and red throat The symptoms of dry pain, hot nose drying, dry mouth and bad breath, rotten corners of the mouth, nosebleeds, and toothache are considered by Chinese medicine to be "get angry".

  No matter what organ is on fire, drink plenty of water (even if not on fire, drink more water!), it is best to add some honey, honey is very good for nourishing yin.

  Football feet at night, rub your feet 100 times each, tap Yongquan point, this can play the role of heart and kidney intersect, balance yin and yang.

   is on fire, if you know that the organ is on fire, targeted treatment, of course, the effect will be better!

   Different "fire" performance on the tongue also Different.

  Red tongue tip: heart fire

   summer heart, so summer heart fire will be strong!

   If the tongue tip is red, accompanied by Symptoms such as irritability, dry mouth, sores of the tongue, bad sleep, nightmares, heart and feet heat, night sweats, red fever and yellowing, and dry stools may be irritable.

  Solution: Drink lotus seed heart tea, press or knead or moxibustion Daling acupoint to lower the heart fire.

  Red tongue on both sides: liver fire

  When liver fire is present, the tongue is also red, but mainly concentrated on both sides of the tongue, in addition: Irritability, insomnia, dizziness, red face, red eyes, bitter mouth, dry mouth, deafness and tinnitus, yellow tongue coating, chest pain, dry stools, itchy headache, iterative menstrual period.

  Solution: Drink chrysanthemum tea, press and rub or moxibustion at Taichung points to reduce liver fire.

  Red anterior tongue: lung fire

   lung fire manifests as boils on face, dry nose and throat pain, cough chest pain, dry cough without sputum or phlegm Yellow and sticky, poor sleep, red first half of tongue;

   A good way to clear lung fever is to eat a few white radishes raw; eating pears also has the effect of clearing lung fever and lungs. You must also ventilate your stomach; rub your abdomen in the morning and evening, 5 minutes each time.

  Solution: Drink honeysuckle tea, press or knead or moxibustion at Dayuji Point to lower lung fire.

  The whole tongue is red: stomach fire

   stomach fire manifests as: upset stomach pain, thirst and bad breath, toothache, gum swelling, tooth bleeding Waiting, wanting to drink cold water, easy to be hungry, the whole tongue is red, (sometimes the tongue is red and yellow, and the yellow covers the red) is the performance of stomach fire.

  Solution: Drink Kudingcha, press or knead or moxibustion at Neiting points to reduce stomach fire.

  Red tongue and less fur: Kidney fire

  If the tongue is less red and fur, the waist is sore, the knees are soft, the teeth are shaken, the mouth is dry, the tinnitus, and sometimes sleep It''s not good to wait, it may be kidney deficiency. If the heat disturbs the mind on this basis, there will be upset, night sweats, and hands and feet are hot, which is mostly a manifestation of yin and anger. In severe cases, the tongue is redder and there is no or less moss. It may be a thin layer of yellow moss, indicating that heat has come out.

  Solution: Drink honey chrysanthemum tea, press or knead or moxibustion to reduce kidney fire.

   Most of our organs get angry because of our own living habits. People drink 1500ml-1700ml of water a day, which is equivalent to more than 3 bottles of mineral water in ordinary packaging! Summer is coming, Drink more.

  Fire-lowering formula tea

  1 Rose and white peony tea

  Applicable symptoms: relieve chest tightness and irritability.

  Material: 3 grams each of rose flower and white peony.


  Rose flowers can promote qi, promote blood circulation, regulate liver qi and relieve depression.

  Bai Shao Pinggan nourishes the liver, nourishes yin and nourishes qi.

  2Yinhua Gardenia Drink

  Applicable symptoms: acne problem, light sleep.

  Material: Honeysuckle and Gardenia 3 grams each.


  Honeysuckle can dissipate heat, detoxify, cool blood and reduce inflammation.

   Gardenia clears liver and purges fire, calms and relieves trouble.

  3 Bupleurum licorice tea

  Applicable symptoms: dry mouth, dry mouth, broken mouth.

  Material: Bupleurum and licorice 3 grams each.


  Chaihu can relieve liver and heat, relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

  Licorice helps clear away heat and detoxify, and nourish qi.

   4 chrysanthemum mint drink

  Applicable symptoms: sore eyes, headache.

  Material: 3 grams each of chrysanthemum and mint.


  Chrysanthemum has the effects of calming the liver and improving eyesight, relieving heat and nourishing yin.

   Mint sparses liver and relieves depression, clears the boss.

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