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Is transverse polyp cancer?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-20

  Cross-colon polyps are cancers? Trans-colon polyps are a common disease in life. Polyps can be a single disease or multiple coexistence. The incidence of male polyps is higher than that of females. There are many factors that induce colon polyps. For example, infection and lifestyle habits may cause its onset. The main manifestations of the patient are constipation and blood in the stool. So, is the polyp of the transverse colon cancer? Originoo_42964_55571087_l.jpg

   Colon polyps are better distributed in the sigmoid colon and rectum, and some can be widely distributed in the whole segment colon. Polyps growing in the colon have small diameters of only a few millimeters and large ones have 2-3 centimeters. There are pedicled ones without pedicles; there are single ones and there are multiple ones; some are more flattened and some are lobulated; some polyps have erosion or ulcers on the surface.

   Although polyps have a tendency to become cancerous, not all of them will become cancerous. So, what kind of polyps will be cancerous?

   First, look at the appearance of polyps: the small, non-tumor polyps with pedicles, most of them and the good people in polyps, are generally not prone to malignant transformation; If the polyps are large and wide, they may become cancerous.

   Second, look at the growth rate of polyps: Benign polyps grow very slowly, if they grow up quickly in a short period of time, and they are more than 2 cm in diameter, they should be alert to cancer. For example, colonic adenomatous polyps are caused by excessive proliferation of colonic mucosa cells, and the canceration rate can reach 42%—77%.

   Third, look at the tissue properties of polyps: Simple malignant polyp malignancy is rare, and adenomatous polyps, especially villous adenoma, are most likely to become colon cancer.

   Fourth, look at the number of polyps: the cancer rate of a single polyp is low; and the probability of canceration of multiple polyps increases.

   Fifth, look at the family genetic history: there is a type called "familial multiple colorectal polyposis", which means that there may be several people with colon polyps in the upper and lower levels of the same family. Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by genetic defects in chromosome 5 in the cell.

  People with this genetically predisposed family, if one of the parents has polyposis, the offspring of 50% polyps will be at risk of cancer; if both parents have polyps Disease, the risk of canceration of polyps of future generations can rise to 75%.

  Since colonic polyps become susceptible to cancer, medical experts remind patients to discover early and treat colonic polyps as soon as possible to prevent them from happening. Be alert to the signals issued by colon polyps. For example, the most common clinical symptoms are bloody stools and intractable constipation. Patients with these symptoms should go to the hospital for treatment, and hemorrhoids and anal fissures can be ruled out after examination.

   Other types of polyps can be removed under colonoscopy. After colonoscopy, if it is found to have a tendency to malignant, it can be surgically removed. The patients who have undergone surgery should be reexamined within one year, and if there is a recurrence, they should be resected again without leaving any problems.

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