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Why do people with diabetes need calcium supplements every day

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-20

  Calcium helps diabetic people. There are many diabetic people around. Let them make calcium supplements from their diet every day. They don’t understand why they need calcium supplement. help. Calcium promotes the normal secretion of insulin.

  The principle of hypoglycemic:

   is responsible for conveying the "secreted insulin" message.

  When the blood sugar rises, the body will need insulin to regulate, then calcium is needed to convey this message to the pancreas to let it start secreting insulin. Therefore, if the body lacks calcium, it cannot complete the function of conveying information, the secretion of insulin will be abnormal, and the blood sugar level will increase. Therefore: people with diabetes need calcium supplementation more than the average person, every day. The amount is 800-1200 mg

What effect does calcium have on our human health?

   1. The main elements that make up bones and teeth.

   2. Regulate the permeability of cells and capillaries.

   3. Maintain the normal excitability of muscle nerves.

   4. Promote the activities of various enzymes in the body.

   5. Help blood agglutination.

   6. Maintain heart rhythm.

  What are the symptoms of calcium deficiency

   1. Osteoporosis and easy fracture.

   2. Humpback and height reduction.

   3. Frequent backache and leg cramps.

  4. Numbness in hands, feet, and sweating.

  5. Memory and thinking skills are reduced, and intelligence is reduced.

   6. Nervous breakdown and mental illness appear.

  Most people need calcium supplement every day, especially those with diabetes.

  1, pure milk, cheese, yogurt, milk powder all supplement calcium.

   2. Tofu, bean curd, smoked and dried, yuba, soy milk, all supplement calcium.

  3. Shrimp skin and rape are supplemented with calcium.

   4. Black sesame and black sesame pills are very calcium-rich.

  The above are high-calcium foods. Everyone eats and rotates in the diet every day. Black sesame pills eat 3-5 a day.

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