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Chemotherapy can be delayed up to a few days

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-23

  Can chemotherapy be delayed for up to a few days? We all know that chemotherapy is a systemic treatment. Although the effect is very good, it causes more side effects, so it needs to be treated according to the course of treatment. Chemotherapy has certain indications and Contraindications, when to choose chemotherapy should be determined by the attending doctor according to the specific situation of the patient, then chemotherapy can be delayed for up to a few days?

  Chemotherapy is a kind of chemical drug that kills tumor cells, inhibits the growth and reproduction of tumor cells, and promotes the differentiation of tumor cells treatment. It is a systemic treatment method, which has a therapeutic effect on primary foci, metastatic foci and subclinical metastatic foci. However, while chemotherapy treatment of tumors kills tumor cells, it also kills normal cells and immune (resistance) cells together. .

  How long the chemotherapy cycle is, everyone’s situation is different, because the hospital will make different treatment plans for different situations, and the cycle is also determined according to the patient’s body, condition, and affordability. . The chemotherapy cycle is generally once every three to four weeks. During the chemotherapy, pay attention to the physical indicators. Only if the indicators are qualified can the next chemotherapy be given.

  CMF is a standard chemotherapy regimen. A cycle of chemotherapy takes 28 days, a total of 6 cycles; AC regimen is ideal, a cycle of chemotherapy takes 21 days, a total of 6 cycles; there are other common chemotherapy regimens. For example: A-CMF chemotherapy takes 21 days for one cycle, a total of 6 cycles; A-CP chemotherapy takes 21 days for a cycle, a total of 4 cycles.

   Chemotherapy is usually given in a course of treatment. The course of treatment may have an intermittent period so that normal cells can be restored, so the cycle of chemotherapy can be extended. The intermittent period is 1 week or several weeks, depending on the type of drug or application of the drug. The number of treatment sessions depends on the type of treatment and the purpose of treatment (cure or control of cancer).

   In general, chemotherapy is painless, and some drugs can feel burning pain when given intravenously. If this happens, tell the nurse or doctor immediately because the tissue around the vein can be damaged when the drug leaks. Chemotherapy can often be performed in an outpatient clinic, and patients do not have to stay overnight in the hospital. Because each patient is different, the treatment is specifically designed for each patient, so each patient''s response to treatment is also different.

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