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How long can thigh lymphoma live

BY Ira Max 2020-07-26

  Lymphoma is very unfamiliar to anyone, but this disease needs to be treated urgently. Many people become more serious because they do not pay attention to treatment. So, today we understand the thigh lymphoma can How long will you live!

  have lymph Don’t panic for tumors first. Advances in medical research have made lymphoma a treatable disease. As long as they are discovered early and treated in time, the survival rate is very high. But if it progresses to the advanced stage of malignant lymphoma, 90% of patients have only one year of survival. With the improvement of living standards, people now have more and more opportunities for exposure to various kinds of radiation, work pressure is increasing, and the opportunities for viral infections and bacterial infections are also gradually increasing, including the improvement of the diagnosis level of diseases, which all cause lymphatic Causes of high incidence of tumors year by year.

   There are no obvious complications in early stage of lymphoma, and in the late stage, the clinical manifestations of infection and invasion of corresponding tissues and organs appear as the disease progresses. Common symptoms are: lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, weight loss, night sweats, persistent fever, itching, weight loss, fever, hepatomegaly, and lymphatic metastasis. If the growth rate of the tumor slows down, the patient’s life span will be appropriately extended, and the life will be relatively long. In addition, the patient’s own nutritional status is also very important. If the patient’s own nutrition is relatively strong, then its ability to fight the disease will be Relatively strong.

  Preventing lymphoma should pay attention to the following aspects: pay attention to climate change, prevent and actively treat viral infections; pay close attention to changes in superficially enlarged lymph nodes; family members who have suffered from this disease should be highly Be vigilant; strengthen physical exercise to improve the body''s immunity and disease resistance; and actively treat other chronic diseases that may be related to the occurrence of this disease.

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