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Look at the common misunderstandings in the prevention and treatment of hypertension

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-26

  1. Subjective medication

   Some people think that hypertension does not need treatment. Just take some antihypertensive drugs, which is wrong! As long as the blood pressure rises, no matter whether there are symptoms or not, they all need treatment.

  2, not complying Doctor''s advice

  Some patients stop taking the medicine when their blood pressure drops to normal after taking the medicine. This is very harmful. Hypertension cannot be cured, it can only be controlled. After the drug is stopped, the blood pressure will rise again, the blood pressure fluctuates too much, and the damage to the target organs of the heart, brain and kidney is more serious.

  3. Drug dependence

  Hypertensive patients think that after getting high blood pressure, they only need to adhere to long-term, regular medication. In fact, drug treatment must be based on a healthy lifestyle, and both are indispensable. Unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, and high-salt diets are not controlled and continue to damage blood vessels. No matter how good the medicine is, it will be difficult to have a good effect.

  4. Self-medication

  After taking high blood pressure, do not take the medicine as directed by the doctor, but instead use the medicine as recommended by the patient or pharmacy, or be biased in the advertisement "Good medicine"; some people think that the more expensive the medicine, the more "good medicine", blindly pursuing those new drugs, special drugs; some people see what other people taking antihypertensive drugs are effective, they buy drugs to take, these practices are all Blind and unsafe.

  5. Health knowledge blind spots

  Once some people find that their blood pressure is high, they think that blood pressure should be lowered as soon as possible, and as low as possible. actually not. Unless the rapid rise of hypertension leads to danger, such as aortic dissection, hypertension crisis, etc., it is necessary to quickly lower the blood pressure. In general, the principle of slowness and stability must be grasped during the treatment of blood pressure. The target value is reached 4 to 12 weeks after medication. Blood pressure drops too fast, too low, prone to stroke and other ischemic events, especially the elderly.

  6. Misdiagnosis and treatment

  Many advertisements claim that a certain kind of medicine, high-tech products, health food or health equipment can cure high blood pressure, no longer need to Taking antihypertensive drugs, these are pseudo-science propaganda. Once hypertension is diagnosed, the vast majority of patients require long-term, lifelong adherence to non-drug and drug treatment.

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