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Efficacy and role of Ganmao Qingre Granules

BY Nat Tommy 2020-02-25

   Ganmao Qingre Granules is a typical Chinese patent medicine. Its main functions and functions are to disperse wind and disperse cold for the treatment of wind and cold. It has good effects on headache, fever, runny nose and cough caused by wind and cold. However, it should be noted that it can only reduce the fever. If the fever exceeds 38 degrees, you should still go to the hospital immediately.

   whenever autumn and winter As the weather gets colder, people often get a cold because they don’t add or remove clothes in time, and they get a cold. And the clothes that young people wear in pursuit of fashion and beauty are beautiful, but they are often unsatisfactory in keeping warm. This has caused many people to prepare cold medicines at home in order to prevent and treat colds they may have. The typical ones include cold clearing particles. What are the functions and effects of cold clearing particles?
  First, the efficacy and role of Ganmao Qingre granules
  Maogan Qingre can be a typical Chinese patent medicine, and is also a blinding anti-inflammatory agent in the system of Chinese medicine. Its main role is to relieve wind and disperse cold, treat colds and colds, and can treat the typical symptoms caused by colds and colds, such as headaches, fever, runny nose, cough and dry throat, can be treated with cold and heat particles. But for the wind-heat cold, the treatment effect of the virtual fire in the body is not particularly good.
  Second side effects of Ganmao Qingre Granules
   Ganmao Qingre Granules is a typical Chinese patent medicine, and the biggest feature of Chinese patent medicine is its low side effects, compared with Western medicine There are not so many contraindications and side effects. Judging from the big data, after taking Ganmao Qingre Granules, most people will not have obvious adverse reactions. However, it should be noted that, when using medication, try to avoid smoking and drinking and eating particularly spicy and stimulating food, these things will affect the efficacy of the drug.
  3. Other precautions for medicines
  Although cold clearing granules have the effect of clearing fever and reducing fever, this is only for low fever, that is, a body temperature of 38 degrees or below 5, if the fever exceeds 38 degrees or more, you need to go to the hospital immediately. And when taking Ganmao Qingre Granules, it can be taken with other medicines, such as other Chinese patent medicines, oral liquids and cold medicines, which can make it better to control the condition of colds. If the symptoms have not been relieved after taking the medicine for more than three days, go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment immediately.

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