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Can asthma turn into tuberculosis

BY Nat Tommy 2020-02-25

  The emergence of asthma will actually have many hazards. Although it will not be converted into tuberculosis, it will cause lung infections, obvious emphysema, and even the formation of pulmonary origin. Heart disease, so once such symptoms appear, attention must be paid to, and the correct method must be selected to treat.

  Asthma is one This is a relatively common disease, but you don’t know that the emergence of asthma also has many risks, so you should choose active treatment, but in the process of treatment, I believe that many patients may have some curiosity and want to know. What are the hazards of these diseases, can asthma be converted to tuberculosis?
  First, can asthma be converted to tuberculosis
   Asthma cannot be converted to tuberculosis, because asthma and tuberculosis are two different diseases, and asthma patients may be There will be tuberculosis, but it will not change from asthma to tuberculosis, mainly because its own resistance gradually declines, which will naturally lead to the emergence of tuberculosis, but if there is no source of infection, it will naturally not occur.
   2. What are the dangers of asthma?
  1. Pulmonary infection

  Although it is not certain that the trachea will be locked, it may also cause the tracheal wall The fibers on the surface appear obvious congestion and swelling, so it can also cause the sputum to stay all the time, which will lead to the growth of bacteria. Bacteria will gradually enter the lungs along the trachea. If the lungs are always invaded by bacteria, it is likely to cause lung infections.
  2. Emphysema
  As the trachea gradually narrows, it also causes carbon dioxide to gradually stay in the lungs. At this time, the freely contracting lungs will also enter the expansion. At this stage, emphysema can also be caused over time. If the gas is gradually increased, it is like a balloon that blows up, and it generally causes the alveoli to swell. There may even be noticeable pain.
  3. Leading to pulmonary heart disease
   If the emergence of asthma is not effectively controlled, it will also cause the lumen to gradually become narrow, which will cause obvious lung hypoxia If the lung is obviously deficient in oxygen, it will also cause abnormal capillary contraction. At this time, it will also cause the pressure that the blood vessel can withstand to gradually increase, and eventually pulmonary hypertension will also appear. It will also affect the heart, which may lead to the occurrence of pulmonary heart disease, causing more damage to the heart invisible.

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