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Smoking can also cause low back pain

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Compared to other organs, the protection of the spine is often "cold", even if the typical symptoms such as low back pain appear, many people do not care. In fact, low back pain is an alarm for disc aging. If you have a habit of smoking, the alarm will be more obvious, so everyone must pay attention to it in daily life.

  In the international nerve held a few days ago Mirror Symposium and Endoscopy Class, J·Patrick from Spine Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA According to Dr. Johnson, according to clinical observations, among the patients with lumbar disc herniation, a higher proportion of smokers, especially those over 40 years old, have more severe symptoms.

  Kang Nan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, explained that after nicotine is absorbed into the blood, it will cause vasoconstriction and spasm, and the blood supply will be reduced, affecting the blood circulation outside the intervertebral disc. Over time, inadequate intervertebral disc nutrition inevitably occurs, prompting premature disc degradation and triggering disc herniation. Smokers suffer from long-lasting low back pain. If they quit smoking for a period of time, the pain will improve.

  In orthopedic clinics, not only do patients not smoke during the perioperative period for cervical and thoracic spine surgery, but also their families and friends should not smoke in front of the patient because passive smoking It also affects the surgical outcome. The cough caused by smoking is not conducive to the fixation of screws and steel plates, nor is it conducive to the maintenance of the patient''s respiratory function by the doctor.

  People who often work at desks or use computers for a long time, because of the long-term fixed posture, cause the muscles of the waist to be in a state of tension, which is a high-risk group of intervertebral disc aging. Conan suggested that everyone should quit smoking first, followed by active exercises to strengthen the function of the lower back muscles, swimming is a good way to exercise the lower back muscles and spine joints, but do not exercise such as turning waist, such as table tennis, badminton, etc., so as not to aggravate the condition.

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