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What is the difference between bird flu and normal flu

BY Jim Jerome 2020-02-25

  Compared with the common flu, the first cause of avian flu is different. The former is before animals and humans, and the latter is between humans; secondly, it is transmitted by different routes. The former infected groups are humans and birds and their feces. The latter is the patient''s vomiting and contact; in the end, the pathogenic consequences are different, the former will die, and the latter generally will not.

  We all know that ordinary Influenza is a relatively common disease, and such adverse symptoms often occur in humans. Avian flu is also a disease that is not difficult to see, and it occurs almost every year. What is the difference between bird flu and ordinary flu? Let us understand below.
  1. The causes of occurrence are different
   Avian influenza usually appears in poultry animals, because of the presence of influenza virus infection, which leads to the occurrence of human diseases.
  Long-term influenza virus among different people for a long time will cause the virus to spread among the people. Ordinary influenza is very easy to infect in places with large flow of people, especially in densely populated areas of large cities.
  2. Different ways of transmission
  Avian influenza uses humans and poultry animals, as well as poultry excreta and other media. If there is contact, it will be infected, and it has appeared in avian flu After the outbreak, if a large number of birds die, it is necessary to be vigilant if bird flu has been induced.
   The spread of common flu is the spitting and contact between people. The denser the population, the easier it is to get infected with common flu.
  3. The place of occurrence is different
  Once bird flu outbreaks, they generally start from chicken farms, and generally use wild birds, or water as a medium, and then jump spread.
  The common flu is usually sporadic and has no special aggregation. Infected people can also exist in areas where poultry outbreaks occur.
  4. The pathogenic consequences are different
  Once humans are infected with avian flu, the adverse symptoms caused by it are similar to the common flu, but the consequences must be much more serious! It may cause severe pneumonia and failure of various organs such as heart and kidney, which may lead to death of the patient.
  Common influenza is a common disease. The adverse symptoms induced include high fever and cough, as well as runny nose and myalgia. However, if timely treatment is needed, ordinary flu will not cause the patient''s life threatening.

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