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Comprehensive understanding of gout disease

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Gout is a relatively old disease, and it is also a nutritional metabolic disease that is currently harmful to my country. The population of gout in my country is about 12 million, accounting for about one tenth of the population of hyperuricemia. Gout is mainly a nutritional metabolic disease caused by disturbance of purine metabolism or urate excretion disorder in humans.

   Patients with hyperuricemia Not all suffer from gout. There are 120 million people with high blood uric acid value in our country, of which about 1/10 of the population have gout. Only when blood uric acid value is high and diet and medical treatment are not strictly controlled, urate crystals appear Precipitation, arthritis, kidney disease, or stones can develop gout. This probability is often proportional to the blood uric acid concentration, and the clinical manifestations are hyperuricemia, joint deformity, characteristic arthritis, chronic kidney disease, and so on. Gout disease can cause serious complications if it is not well controlled, such as coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, renal failure, uremia, etc.

  The main population of foodborne gout:

  1. People with family history of gout.

   2. Food-borne obese people, especially those who love seafood and animal offal.

  3. The male population, especially those who often drink too much alcohol.

   4. People with severely unbalanced diets often consume protein foods in excess.

  5. Women with unreasonable diet structure, frequent excessive consumption of seafood, meat or animal offal, and frequent drinking are prone to gout after menopause, but only account for about 5% of gout people.

  Acute symptoms of gout:

  1. The joints of the extremities are swollen, shock-like pain, most of which are redness, deformation, ulceration, and movement disorders of the distal joints of the lower limbs.

   2. Excessive precipitation of urate in the kidneys seriously affects renal function, and even causes symptoms such as renal failure or uremia.

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