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Treatment of islet cell tumor

BY Polly Steele 2020-07-20

   Islet cell tumor (tumors of pancreatic islet cell tumor) Also known as islet cell adenoma. Tumors that occur in islet cells. Pancreatic islet cell tumors are divided into functional and non-functional categories. Functional islet cell tumors are mainly insulinomas, which are formed by β-cells and are rarely seen clinically. According to foreign statistics, the incidence rate is (3-4) per million.

  pathological changes: (1) naked eye View: Most tumors are single, small in size, about 1cm ~ 5cm or larger, can weigh up to 500g, round or oval, clear state, complete or incomplete envelope, light grayish red or dark red, soft , Homogeneous, secondary to fibrous tissue hyperplasia, calcification, starch or mucus-like degeneration and cystic degeneration; (2) Microscope: tumor cells are arranged in a variety of forms, and some are arranged in islands (like giant islets) or mass Massive, some are gyrus-like, beam-like, cord-like, acinar and glandular tube-like or chrysanthemum-like structure, can also be solid, diffuse, irregular arrangement and mixed or separate arrangement of various structures. In between, there are capillaries, and how many different collagen fibers separate tumor tissues can be seen, and there may be secondary changes such as mucus, amyloidosis, and calcification. Tumor cells resemble pancreatic islet cells, with a small round, short spindle or polygon shape, the shape is more consistent, the cell nucleus is round or oval, short spindle, chromatin fine granules, small nucleoli are visible, rare nuclear division, and occasionally giant nucleus cell.

In fact, when it comes to treatment, pancreatic cancer is likely to be cured in the early stage. Late stage cure hopes that the most effective treatment for small pancreatic cancer is surgery, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy are not very sensitive. Some patients in the early and middle stages underwent surgery and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. The late stage is mostly symptomatic treatment for jaundice and other conditions. In recent years, during the treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer, it has been found that ** (ginsenoside Rh2) capsules can effectively improve the symptoms of abdominal distension, weight loss, pain, and poor mental state of patients with pancreatic cancer, and use patients to break through the doctor’s expected survival and survive well More and more.

  Ginsenoside Rh2 can achieve anti-tumor efficacy by reversing the differentiation of cancer cells into normal cells, regulating the proliferation cycle of tumor cells, immune regulation and repairing the damage caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor patients , And effectively prevent cancer recurrence and metastasis. Although pancreatic cancer is sinister, don''t lose confidence in treatment. At present, many patients with pancreatic cancer have achieved tumor-bearing survival through active treatment. It can be seen that a positive attitude and treatment can bring more opportunities for good survival.

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