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Are kidney cancer adrenal metastases optimistic?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-07-20

  Kidney cancer can be cured by treatment, but the care after treatment must be very careful and in place! Otherwise, it is prone to metastatic symptoms of kidney cancer! Which symptoms indicate that kidney cancer has metastasized? Kidney cancer adrenal metastasis is optimistic Originoo_42964_75731015_l.jpg

< p>  What are the metastatic symptoms of kidney cancer

  Kidney cancer is divided into renal cell carcinoma and renal adenocarcinoma, accounting for about 85% of the primary renal malignant tumor, clinical About 10% of kidney cancer patients seek medical treatment because of metastatic symptoms, and about 25% of kidney cancer patients have spread when they seek medical treatment.

  The advanced stage of renal cell carcinoma is distant metastasis through three major ways: local infiltration, lymph node transport, and hematological metastasis. Renal cancer lung metastasis is the most common metastatic symptom, manifested as hemoptysis, chest pain, cough, pleural effusion, etc.; bone metastasis of kidney cancer is also more common, most likely to appear in the pelvis, spine, ribs, etc., showing local pain and progressive Aggravated, the bone at the metastatic site is prone to pathological fractures.

  In addition, kidney cancer often metastasizes to other parts, such as liver, spleen, pancreas, brain, common bile lumen, adrenal gland, mediastinum, diaphragm, sub-thumbnail, vagina, The choroid, external auditory canal and orbit. Kidney cancer often metastasizes early. Metastasis can occur when the primary focus is very small, and the location of the metastasis is also very broad. It can be seen in almost any tissue and organ of the human body. In addition, there are many extrarenal manifestations of non-urinary system such as high fever, abnormal liver function, anemia, nerve palsy, high blood pressure, polycythemia and hypercalcemia, etc., which should be given enough attention.

  Treatment of kidney cancer

  Resection of kidney cancer is divided into simple nephrectomy and nephrectomy, currently recognized as sex kidney Cancer resection can improve survival. It is still controversial about whether to perform local lymph node dissection for resection of renal cell carcinoma, and some think that lymph node metastasis often has blood line metastasis. Cases with lymph node metastasis eventually have blood line metastasis. The lymph nodes are widely distributed and are not easy to clean up; the inferior vena cava and the main The arterial area can be removed.

  Kidney arteries and renal veins should be ligated first during kidney cancer surgery, which can reduce bleeding during surgery and possible tumor spread. Kidney cancer is a multivascular tumor, often with large collateral veins, which is prone to bleeding and is not easy to control. Therefore, in the operation of larger tumors, selective renal artery embolization can be performed before surgery, which can cause severe pain, fever, intestinal paralysis, infection, etc., and should not be used routinely.

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