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Rectal adenoma postoperative diet

BY Paula Lowell 2020-07-24

  Although the most commonly used treatment for rectal tumors is surgery, dietary conditioning after surgery is also critical. I believe there are not many people who understand this problem. Most patients and their families do not know how to arrange postoperative diet. What should be paid attention to after diet for rectal adenoma?

  What to eat after rectal tumor surgery Ok? The most practical and healthy food is Astragalus pork red vine soup. After the patient has a rectal tumor, the family can prepare astragalus and red dates, lean meat and red vine. Astragalus and red vine are cooked with water, add two other ingredients, and stew soup to drink. Many patients with rectal tumors will often feel pain in their stomachs after surgery, and the number of stools will also increase. This diet can just solve these problems.
  Yinhua vine porridge is also suitable for rectal tumors to eat after surgery. The materials used are silver flower vines and white flowers of Hedyotis diffusa, as well as nightshade and Scutellaria barbata. Clean these kinds of herbs and pour the soup into the pot. Add the rice and sugar to the decoction to make it ready to eat. Yinhuateng porridge can help us detoxify and solve swelling. Patients with rectal tumors can eat 100 grams of this porridge every day after the surgery.
   After surgery, patients with rectal tumors should control the oil they eat, because oil will accelerate the reproduction of cancer cells, especially animal fat. Cellulose food should be increased in moderation. When feces are present in the intestines, the bacteria are very active and produce carcinogens. The fiber can accelerate the excretion of feces, which is conducive to the recovery of patients after surgery.

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