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Rectal cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy is good

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-31

  The main symptom of rectal cancer is bloody stools, heavy and heavy stools, thinner stools, increased frequency and other symptoms. It can be transferred through blood, lymph and implantation. It is the key to timely detection and standardization of treatment. The preferred treatment is Surgical treatment, if it is not carcinoma in situ, you need to cooperate with chemotherapy after surgery, you need to regularly review after treatment, and usually adjust your mentality. Originoo_42964_185060050_l.jpg

The current standard rectal cancer chemotherapy regimen will allow approximately 15% of patients with initially unresectable liver metastases to receive resection opportunities, thereby giving these patients a significant survival benefit (the 5-year survival rate is 30%). The annual survival rate is 20%). Chemotherapy will have obvious side effects, such as bone marrow suppression, appetite effects, etc. In order to prevent the side effects of chemotherapy, it can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and clinically has the effect of increasing efficacy and reducing toxicity.

  The treatment of rectal cancer is surgical resection of the tumor as the first choice, supplemented by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine conservative treatment, etc. The surgery is only palliative resection or symptomatic treatment. After the surgery, the body''s vitality is damaged, and ginsenoside RH2 is generally assisted to improve the success rate of the operation and reduce the recurrence and metastasis of the tumor.

  Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages in treating tumors. Therefore, the treatment of colorectal cancer must take advantage of traditional Chinese medicine, adhere to long-term treatment, relax the psychological state of patients, do a good job in psychological treatment, and increase diet and nutrition To improve autoimmunity. Only in this way can a better effect be achieved. About 1/3 to 1/4 of the cases of rectal cancer treatment are in advanced stages. In addition, there are still about 50% of evaluations that have recurred symptoms and metastases within 5 years after diagnosis.

  The current radiochemotherapy regimen is relatively mature and most of them are effective. Now studies have shown that combining ginsenoside before, during and after radiochemotherapy can improve the efficacy and reduce the toxicity, shorten the recovery period and prevent relapse Transfer. There is already literature support for the inhibitory effect of ginsenosides on the growth of human colorectal cancer cell lines SW620 and LOVO. The survival time of rectal cancer is still relatively good. Prognosis should be re-examined, pay attention to the usual law of life, especially the law of diet.

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