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Bowel cancer test items

BY Ira Max 2020-07-25

  Intestinal cancer is one of the more common cancer conditions in human body. For patients and friends, after the disease, in addition to active symptomatic treatment of the disease, more attention should be paid to the care of the disease Work, so as to better get rid of the torture of the disease, people must carry out detailed examinations before treating the disease of colon cancer, so as to get rid of the torture of the disease, here are the common methods of bowel cancer examination by experts Answer your questions. Originoo_42964_143316243_l.jpg

Inspection items: protein tumor marker detection, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), p53 gene detection, hemoglobin concentration (HGB), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), serum β2 microglobulin (β2-MG), stool volume, multi-drug Drug resistance (MDR) gene detection, serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), cancer antigen 242 (CA242), exfoliated cell test.

  1. Laboratory tests

   blood routine, biochemical items (liver and kidney function + serum iron), stool routine + fecal occult blood and other laboratory tests, It is helpful to understand whether the patient has iron deficiency anemia, liver and kidney function and other basic conditions. Carrying out blood tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) detection is helpful for tumor diagnosis. In patients with colorectal cancer, high CEA levels do not mean that there are distant metastases; there are a few patients with metastatic tumors, CEA does not increase.

  2. Endoscopy

  colonoscopy is the extension of the fiber colonoscopy to the beginning of the colon and back to the blind part to check the colon and rectum Cavity, and perform biopsy and treatment during the examination. Colonoscopy is more accurate than barium enema X-ray, especially for small polyps in the colon, which is confirmed by colonoscopy and pathology. The removal of benign polyps can prevent their transformation into colorectal cancer, and cancerous polyps can help to diagnose and treat them.

  3. Biopsy and exfoliative cytology

   biopsy is used for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, especially early-stage cancer and polyp cancer and the lesions Differential diagnosis is of decisive significance, which can clarify the nature of tumor, histological type and malignant degree, judge prognosis and guide clinical treatment. The accuracy of exfoliation cytology is high, the material is cumbersome, it is difficult to obtain satisfactory specimens, and the clinical application is few.

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