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Reaction after BCG vaccination (normal reaction)

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-27

  Tuberculosis has caused tremendous impact and damage to our human health, and it is very contagious. In ancient times, if infected with this disease, it was almost impossible to return to the sky, but now, the disease has been acquired Very good control, and BCG vaccine vaccination can be said to be indispensable, but there will be some reactions after BCG vaccination, so what are the normal reactions after BCG vaccination? Originoo_42964_8368889_l.jpg

  BCG vaccination response and general Prophylactic injection is different. Usually about 3 weeks after the inoculation, the inoculation site will appear red and swollen, and gradually soften in the middle to form small white pustules. After the pustules rupture, the pus is discharged and after 1-2 Zhou Cai is crusted, and round scars can be left after healing. This symptom usually lasts about 2 months.

   Inoculation with BCG will often cause lymph node enlargement near the site of inoculation (mostly underarm lymph node enlargement), which is a normal reflection. As the inoculation site heals, the enlarged lymph nodes will also resolve on their own. .

  Normal reaction after BCG vaccination

  Intradermal vaccination of BCG within 2-3 days, the skin on the vaccination site is slightly red and swollen, as The non-specific reaction will disappear quickly. About 2 weeks later, there will be red papule-like lumps, sometimes softened into small white pustules, and then rupture by themselves to form superficial ulcers, generally no more than 0.5 cm, with a small amount of pus , And then gradually scab, leaving a slight scar after the scab peeled off, which lasted 2-3 months before and after, is the normal reaction of BCG vaccine.

  The above symptoms are normal reactions that occur after BCG vaccination, but there are some abnormalities that parents and friends need to pay attention to, such as severe rash, purpura, and swollen lymph nodes. Infants and young children need to go to the hospital in time The examination and diagnosis are carried out to avoid greater harm in subsequent reactions.

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