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Who can't get BCG vaccine

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-27

   Although BCG vaccination can effectively avoid tuberculosis infection, but not everyone can enjoy it. After BCG vaccination, immunity can last for many years. If the taboo population is accidentally vaccinated, it may cause very great harm and impact Appears, so who in life can''t be vaccinated with BCG? Originoo_42964_6866297_l.jpg

   BCG vaccination is safe, but for the sake of caution, immune function is weakened due to immunodeficiency diseases, malignant diseases such as tumors, leukemia, and the use of adrenal cortex hormones Patients who are treated with immunosuppressive drugs should be contraindicated. When vaccinating against BCG, children with the following conditions should be temporarily suspended or prudently engaged:

  1. Fever, diarrhea and other acute infectious diseases, with severe acute symptoms and Babies with weakened immune system.

   2. Premature delivery, dystocia, accompanied by obvious congenital malformations, and the injection of newborn babies weighing less than 2500 grams is prohibited.

   3. Suspected tuberculosis patients, do not directly inoculate BCG vaccine, you should do tuberculin test first. Or a baby with severe eczema.

   4. Patients with chronic diseases such as heart, lung and kidney, severe skin diseases, allergic skin diseases, nervous system diseases, and allergic reactions to vaccination.

  If you want to know whether your baby’s BCG vaccine is successfully vaccinated, you can do a tuberculin test. If the result is negative, you need to replant. BCG vaccine will generally leave scars after successful vaccination. In order to ensure that your baby is successfully vaccinated BCG vaccine needs to be reviewed 3 months after vaccination. Parents and friends need to pay attention.

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