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Inoculation time of polio vaccine

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-27

   Any vaccine has a certain period of vaccination, so it is best for families with babies to learn more about the common sense in this regard, so that the children can be vaccinated in a timely manner within the prescribed time. Vaccines are mainly divided into two categories , Namely live vaccine and dead vaccine, polio vaccine is just one of them, so when is the polio vaccine inoculation time? Originoo_42964_151260614_l.jpg

  polio vaccine is an effective control method to prevent and eliminate polio. Due to the weakened immunity of newborn babies, once it causes limb paralysis, it can become a lifelong disability and even life-threatening, so the baby should be vaccinated after birth. Under normal circumstances, vaccinating according to the child''s immunization plan will have the best immunization effect. However, if the vaccination is uncomfortable, it will also affect the effect of the vaccine and easily cause adverse reactions.

  According to the requirements of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the new polio vaccine immunization strategy will be implemented nationwide from May 1, 2016. The white sugar pills (trivalent polio attenuated live vaccine) used before tOPV) was completely discontinued, replaced with a divalent live attenuated polio vaccine (bOPV, drops), and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV, injection) was included in the national immunization program. That is, the polio vaccine immunization program is adjusted to:

  1, inoculate a dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) at two months of age;

  2, three months of age, four months of age, One dose of live attenuated bivalent polio vaccine (bOPV) was given to each four-year-old.

   The best time to vaccinate is when your baby is 2 months old, and you should start vaccinating at this time, but if there are some special circumstances, you should be vaccinated at the latest 3 months, or follow the doctor’s advice Wait until your baby is healthy before getting the vaccine.

   Furthermore, there is no maximum interval for polio vaccine, only the minimum interval is ≥28 days. The length of the interval has a greater impact on the immune response. Relatively speaking, the immune response produced at long intervals is ideal, but it may delay the production of protective antibodies and increase the risk of exposure to the disease. Therefore, it is better to inoculate in time according to the requirements.

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