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What happens if you eat too many cherries?

Male  28 years old 2018-06-30
I often can't control myself from eating too much and can't eat as a meal. What happens if you eat too many cherries?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-06-30
    Cherry also contains a certain amount of cyanogenic glycosides, if you eat too much it will cause iron poisoning or cyanide poisoning. Because cherry kernel contains "cyanoside", after being eaten into the body, it reacts with stomach acid to produce highly toxic cyano ions. Cyanoside is a toxin. People with mild cyanoside poisoning experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and headache. Palpitation and dizziness, sleeplessness and weakness. For those with severe poisoning, the breathing is rapid and slow and long, pale, and sweating and convulsing. In severe cases, the central nervous system is excited and then suppressed, difficulty breathing, restlessness, dilated pupils, slow response or disappearance of light, coma or convulsions, shock or respiratory failure and death.

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