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Why do people eat less now?

Male  31 years old 2018-06-28
I often hear my dad saying that people at that time were able to eat. Why do people eat less now?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-06-28
    In the past, when the standard of living was low, the non-staple food was poor. It is common for the average person to eat four or two and a half pounds of staple food for every meal. Now that the standard of living has improved and the non-staple food is good, it is overdose if the main food is four or two and a half pounds. Some people eat too much fruit, especially fruits with high sugar content (bananas, persimmons, grapes, lychees), which also increases carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate-containing foods include food, beans, milk, fruits, dried fruits, and vegetables.

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