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Does Begonia have any nutritional value?

Male  24 years old 2018-06-22
I heard that the begonia fruit can be made into dried begonia. Is there any nutritional value of dried begonia?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-06-22
    The nutritional value of dried begonia is: dried begonia fruit can be cut and dried into dried begonia with a water content of 30% the storage period can be up to 3 years. The dried begonia can be drunk with sucrose and washed with water. The taste is sweet and sour, and it contains a rich aroma of fresh begonia , Especially in summer, some begonia fruits are often eaten and there is a very good refreshing fire, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing. Can help the body supplement some nutrition

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