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What should I do if I like to eat too salty food?

Male  23 years old 2018-06-20
My mother cooks very salty food, it seems to have a heavier taste. What should I do if I like to eat too salty food?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-06-20
    The more stressed and tired people in life are, the more salty they are. And heavy taste will make taste buds dull, resulting in a vicious circle of eating more and saltier. Studies have also found that women who regularly consume low-calcium foods are more likely to eat salty food than the average person. In fact, the greens themselves also contain a certain amount of sodium chloride. Even if you don’t put salt when cooking, you can eat a little salty taste with careful experience. Cheng Yiyong said that everyone should consciously reduce salt intake and maintain a light diet. It is recommended to add some vinegar when cooking, and use chili, onion, ginger and garlic to enhance the flavor.

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