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Which foods can go to Shu Li Shi

Male  22 years old 2018-05-28
My body is very hot in the summer, and the humidity is also relatively heavy. My friend suggested that I eat more food to remove the heat and dampness. What should I eat?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-05-28
    Going to the heat and dampness in summer can prevent heatstroke. Common foods for removing heat and dampness, clearing away heat and detoxifying: Soybeans, mung beans, shepherd's purse, needle needles, winter melons, winter melon seeds. Remove heat and dampness; lotus leaf, bullfrog meat, tea juice, watermelon, winter melon, winter melon seeds, loofah, cucumber, melon, sorghum, celery, amaranth, water chestnut, sugar cane, Malan head, etc. are sweet or flat foods with sexual taste, which can clear heat Detoxification or clearing away heat. Chrysanthemum, bitter gourd, banana, water chestnut, raw radish, eggplant, etc. also have the effect of clearing heat, green vegetables, celery, needles, garland chrysanthemum, wild rice, bamboo shoots, cabbage, water chestnut, etc. also have the effect of clearing heat and dampness.

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