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What are the taste components of feces?

Male  26 years old 2018-05-17
I smell my stool is very smelly, so what are the components of the stool?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-05-17
    The usual smell of feces is the smell of feces. The components of the special odor during the formation period mainly include indole, hydrogen sulfide, skatole, amines, ammonia, acetic acid, butyric acid, etc. Among them, indole, hydrogen sulfide and skatole have the largest odor, which can be said to be unpleasant. Most of these odorous ingredients come from protein in food waste. In the large intestine, the proteins in the food that are not digested and absorbed by the small intestine will be decomposed and used by spoilage bacteria (yersinia, enterococcus, etc.) in the intestinal flora, and these odorous substances are produced at the same time.

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