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What should be paid attention to in winter

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Rheumatoid bone disease is a clinically high-risk disease, which mainly occurs in young and middle-aged people. The disease is difficult to cure, causing great pain to patients. In addition to the need for active treatment, we need to actively receive treatment. We still need to pay attention to daily care. Next, let’s take a look at what rheumatoid bone disease should pay attention to in winter?

  First, speaking of clothing

   Keep warm as much as possible, keeping warm is not just wearing cotton clothes and down jackets There are still some details to pay attention to, neck to keep warm, ankle joints to keep warm. Ordinary people often say that if their feet are warm, their bodies will be warm. For this kind of person, it is recommended to apply hot compresses to the frequently painful areas every day, about 20 minutes each time, and the water temperature is about 40-50 degrees, depending on the personal acceptance. Normally use warm water to soak your feet before going to bed. The depth of the water should exceed the ankle to the calf, soak for 20 minutes. In addition to feeling warm, it also has a calming effect.

  Second, from the diet

   For patients with rheumatoid bone disease, we should pay attention to two highs, one low and one easy. Two highs refers to high protein With high calories, the resistance to cold mainly depends on protein and heat. When the so-called small stove in the body burns vigorously, it can naturally resist the wind, cold and humidity. A low-fat, low-fat food has a certain stimulating effect on the joints, so low-fat. Easy means easy to digest, so I suggest you eat more fruits and fresh vegetables. In addition, there are some irritating foods such as chili, onion, ginger, and even mutton and dog meat. Patients with rheumatic bone disease should eat less or not during the active period of the disease.

   Lean meat, fish, these are good low-fat foods. In addition, I recommend you some foods between food and supplements, such as black fungus, yam, and barley. Saying food is also considered food, and medicine is also considered medicine. These can be very helpful for patients with rheumatic bone disease. Therapeutic effect.

  Three, from the aspect of living

  Rheumatoid bone disease patients should pay attention to choose their bedroom on the sunny side with sunlight, and the ventilation is better Where the ventilation is better, it does not mean that the position of the bed or the writing desk must be at the air outlet. Although it is ventilated, it cannot be a place where the wind blows directly. Because when you are sleeping and when you are reading or working at a desk, you often don’t pay attention to the environment. If there is convection wind at this time, it is easy to be affected by the wind. This kind of wind sickness is not worth it, and it is often infected during rest. If the wind chill or damp factors are inside, the disease will be more serious.

  Another detail is that the quilt must be folded after sleeping, and must be kept dry and exposed to the sun. In the south, there are many rainy and rainy days. Beds and beddings are often in a humid state. This humid state and cold weather can easily lead to the occurrence of rheumatoid bone disease. This must be paid attention to, drying the quilt and keeping it dry.

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