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Which young people are susceptible to rheumatic bone disease

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   Speaking of rheumatoid bone disease, many people have a question, is it a patent for the elderly? In fact, this is a misunderstanding of rheumatoid bone disease. Some people always think that rheumatic bone disease is the so-called old cold legs, only the old man 3. The old lady has to be, but it’s not true. So, who is prone to rheumatic bone disease in life?

  In fact, rheumatoid bone disease is not just a patent for the elderly, including some young people or some young adults are prone to rheumatic bone disease, such as ankylosing Spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis are easy diseases for young adults. Generally speaking, young and middle-aged people are the main labor force for creating wealth in this society, but due to their working environment or working habits, they will also cause them to suffer from rheumatic bone disease.

   In the previous paragraph, a young guy asked me to see a doctor. He was a car washer and worked in a humid environment all year round. It was okay in summer. In winter, in addition to humidity and cold, he did this job. It has been three years. When I went to the clinic, my two finger joints were swollen and painful. After some examinations, he was found to have rheumatoid arthritis. There are also some white-collar workers working in office buildings, which seem to work in a very good environment. Sometimes they work for ten hours at a time before using a computer or at a desk.

   A patient once told me that there is an air-conditioning vent on the top of his head. Sometimes the air-conditioning blows on his neck for a day, and it feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable after arriving home from get off work. In both cases, whether it is a car washer working in the open air or a white-collar worker working in an office building, rheumatoid bone disease is likely to occur if the wind or cold under certain conditions.

   If we want to avoid the occurrence of this circumvention in our lives, it is best to prevent cold, rain and moisture, and keep warm at the joints, and do not wear wet clothes, wet shoes, wet socks, etc. Regular participation in physical exercise, such as health gymnastics, Qigong, Tai Chi, radio gymnastics, walking, etc., is very beneficial. Anyone who insists on physical exercise has a strong body, strong disease resistance, and few diseases. His ability to resist the invasion of wind, cold and dampness is much stronger than that of people who have not exercised.

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