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Chickenpox Baby Warpox Diary

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  In our country, the varicella vaccine has not been included in the routine planned immunization program, but it has been promoted and used in some economically developed areas. According to foreign reports: Researchers have found that 25% of children who have been vaccinated against varicella vaccine are infected, while the infection rate among patients who have not been vaccinated against varicella vaccine is as high as 56%. Although the preventive effectiveness of varicella vaccine immunization is only 56% and the effect of vaccination will weaken with time, but if the vaccinated children re-emergence of chickenpox, the disease will be lighter, the fever will be lighter, and the disease will occur short time. Since varicella vaccine is beneficial, why not include varicella vaccine in the routine immunization program? There are data showing that varicella is not a very serious infectious disease, and most of them have a good prognosis. Foreign vaccines are too expensive, and there are still many controversies about varicella vaccines.

   Because of this, we Children who are actively vaccinated against chickenpox in the country are not, is it not easy for children to get chickenpox? Or does it really matter? Even if it is out, does it really matter? In fact, this is not the case. In the late winter or early spring season, outpatient clinics in major hospitals, Will often find some children with chickenpox. Although most children with chickenpox have a good prognosis, they are still very painful when they get chickenpox. About 10 days after the onset of varicella, the child''s main symptoms are itchy skin, and low fever and loss of appetite. A small number of people will have sequelae, such as otitis media, encephalitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, secondary infections of the skin and leaving annoying scars. Therefore, the treatment of chickenpox is very important. According to the doctor''s guidance, the correct medication can shorten the course of the disease and reduce the pain of the child, followed by the careful care of the parents. The following is my observation and treatment of a typical child with chickenpox for parents'' reference. Of course, every child''s chickenpox is not exactly the same. Parents must take care under the guidance of doctors, and they should not take it for granted at home.

  The first day of the observation diary: chickenpox emerges

  In the clinic, I saw a four-year-old boy every day, his mother led him to see the doctor, parents Lifting the clothes and saying to me: "Doctor, look, what is the child? Is it a mosquito bite? Or is it chickenpox? The child occasionally says that it is a little itchy, but it''s not too bad." I looked closely, I found that the child''s There are five red maculopapular rashes on the front chest and back, which are about the same size as the usual mosquito bites, but two of the rashes have small blisters like water droplets. I asked the child: "Daily, do you tickle?" The child shook his head. I checked the child, only my throat was a little red, everything else was normal. I asked about the child''s situation in recent days. Parents said that the child''s appetite has dropped a little in recent days, and there is no other uncomfortable feeling. I told my parents that it looks like it has a little more chickenpox, but there are only a few. It is better to observe some more. If there are more tomorrow, the possibility of chickenpox is greater. Let me prescribe some anti-viral granules for your child and drink calamine lotion. If the child is itchy, wipe it locally and observe again? My phone will give you a call, can you contact me at any time?" The parents are very happy and took the child away.

  Observe The second day of the diary: increased chickenpox accompanied by low fever

   was taken to the hospital again every day by her mother: "Doctor, it looks like chickenpox, not only increased, but the child also started to have a fever, up to 38 degrees, He also started to say itchy. "I saw that in addition to the increased number of chickenpox on the front chest and back, the child''s face also appeared 2. After the examination, I found that the child''s throat is still a little red, and his heart and lungs are normal. The child''s mother is a little nervous. She asked whether to give the child an injection, and I suggested that she first check the child''s blood routine. After the test result came back, the blood sample indicated that the virus was a virus infection, and there was no bacterial infection. I told her that the injection could not be removed, but It is best to administer vitamin B12 intramuscularly for three days (125 mg each time) to shorten the course of the disease. At the same time, oral administration of acyclovir 80 mg/kg body weight every day for 7 days has antiviral effects and promotes disease recovery. If the child has a fever of more than 38.5 You can drink some ibuprofen (such as Merrill Lynch). Do not use aspirin and hormones, otherwise it will cause side effects such as virus spread. In addition, apply calamine 2-3 times a day on the chickenpox area. Itching, you can apply the itch at any time, do not let the child scratch, if there is a ulcer, you can apply erythromycin ointment to prevent infection, change the clothes every day.

  Watch the diary on the third day Hanging the needle for a day

   Every day, there are more chickenpox on the back of the front body, about 20 or so, some of them have ulcers. Parents say that the child has a bad sleep and still has low fever, which is useless Antipyretic medicine, the child is not eating well and the child is not in good spirits. So the child was infused with 250 ml of glucose solution, one ribavirin was added, and 4 were penicillin to prevent infection.

  The observation diary Four days of "Four Generations in the Same Hall"

  After the infusion yesterday, the spirit was obviously improved and there was no fever. 2 new chickenpox, some blisters contents became cloudy, the blisters were easily broken Some of them started to dry and shrink from the center, and the rest gradually faded. The parents did not want to give the child an injection, and only received intramuscular injection of vitamin B12. The parents said that calamine anti-itching effect is very good, and the child is very obedient. Without scratching the skin, I told my parents that it would not itch after applying calamine. They continued to drink the oral medicine. I called the intern students around to let them watch the child’s rash: "Classmates, this child It is a typical chickenpox. You see, because chickenpox appears in batches, the evolution of the rash is different, so the new, already out, subsided, and crusted rash can be seen now. We dubbed it "" four "Shi Tong Tang", chickenpox is basically under control, mainly taking medicine on time, home care. If the child''s condition is stable, the injection will not be used, and it will not be used in the hospital tomorrow, and it will be cultivated at home. After listening to it every day, the joy of laughter Vocal.

  Observe diary every day on the fifth day to bathe and change clothes

   every day my mother called me, she said the child had no new chicken pox , I don’t have a fever, I eat well, my sleep is almost a bit, and the rash slowly subsides. She asked me if I could bathe the child. The child felt very dirty because of the medicine for several days. I told her to take a bath, but Short time, rinse with water Just wash and apply calamine and change into new clothes.

  Observe the diary on the sixth day of the diary to eat light, can’t take the rash medicine

  Tiantian’s mother called me to ask, she heard the old man say, want to eat With the rash medicine, the more chickenpox comes out, the better, and the disease will not recur. I told her that the kind of thinking was wrong and there was no scientific reason. Eat a light diet, do not eat fried foods, drink plenty of water, eat more fruits rich in vitamin C, drink milk, add protein, increase resistance. Appropriate and sufficient water replenishment.

  Can’t go to kindergarten on the seventh day of the observation diary

  The skin rash is gradually fading away. Every day, my mother insists on taking a clean bath for the child every day and then applying medicine. Every day my mother asked me if the child could go to kindergarten. I told her she couldn’t. She had to wait for all the rashes to scab before she could go there. Otherwise, it would spread to other children.

  Observe the diary on the eighth day of the diary "strong wind"

  Tiantian mother said that the child’s disease is recovering, most of the chickenpox scabs, the first few out The scab began to come off, leaving no scars. The child had been in the house for a week. The child was anxious and could take the child to go around. In addition, the child''s anti-viral oral medicine is finished, or not. I agree that she will take the child out, but do not let him touch the child. Children can drink antiviral granules for a few more days to consolidate treatment.

  Observe the safe day of the ninth day of the diary

  the child is safe, without any discomfort, only drink an antiviral medicine.

  Observation diary went to kindergarten on the tenth day.

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