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What is the cause of congenital rubella?

BY Nat Tommy 2020-02-26

  After the baby is born, if there is congenital rubella, there may be developmental deformities, including deafness, blindness and rubella virus hepatitis, and congenital rubella symptoms such as congenital heart disease. The cause of congenital rubella is that the mother of the child is infected with rubella virus before and during pregnancy and at birth.

  Congenital rubella is one This is a very harmful congenital disease. After birth, the child may have some symptoms in hearing, vision, heart and other internal organs. So, what causes congenital rubella? This problem can be learned in the following content.
  First, the infection of rubella virus before pregnancy can cause congenital rubella
   If the mother of a child with congenital rubella is before pregnancy, especially within two months before pregnancy If you are infected with rubella virus, it is likely to cause congenital rubella. This is because after the rubella virus is infected, it takes a certain time for the virus to be completely excreted from the body. If the rubella virus is not completely treated or has not been completely excreted, the pregnancy may cause the virus due to changes in body hormones and physique. The blood is transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, which causes the fetus to stop developing or become malformed. After birth, it becomes a child with congenital rubella.
  Second, the cause of congenital rubella is the infection of rubella virus during pregnancy
  The infection of rubella virus during pregnancy is the cause of congenital rubella, because the rubella virus will spread through the blood If the pregnant woman is exposed to rubella during pregnancy, the virus will be transmitted to the fetus through the placental blood, especially after the rubella virus is infected within the first three months of pregnancy. The impact on the fetus is often very large. The fetus is an important stage of the body''s nervous and vascular system development within three months. If the pregnant woman is infected with rubella virus at this time, it will affect the fetal nerve and blood vessel and other important body development, resulting in congenital heart disease and rubella after the baby is born. Hepatitis, rubella cataract, deafness and other congenital rubella symptoms.
  3. Infection with rubella virus at birth can cause congenital rubella
  Fetal congenital rubella is mostly caused by maternal infection with rubella virus before and during pregnancy, but Sometimes, during the birth of a fetus, it may also occasionally be infected with rubella virus, which leads to the emergence of congenital rubella. The condition of congenital rubella in this case will be milder.

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