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Get rid of asthma freely (4)

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Prevention articles

  1. Home care for children with asthma

  Children with asthma should do the following:

  ① Try to avoid inducing factors, such as cold, rain, excessive fatigue, excitement and other stimuli to prevent asthma.

  ②The temperature of the living room is suitable and the air is fresh. Avoid inhaling dust, oily smoke, gas, etc. Pillows need to be raised during an attack and can be in a semi-recumbent position.

   ③In terms of drinking, it is forbidden to eat irritating food and super-hot and cold food. Give semi-liquid or soft food during the attack to avoid severe asthma.

   ④ When asthma attacks, medication should be used in time, such as vantorin aerosol. These drugs can effectively control the severe attacks of asthma in time. At the same time, the mental stimulation of the children should be reduced, the mental burden should be eliminated, and the children should be encouraged to build up their confidence in resisting the disease.

   ⑤ usually pay attention to strengthening physical exercise, often go to outdoor activities to enhance physical fitness and improve disease resistance.

  2. Can children with asthma participate in sports activities

  Although exercise can induce asthma attacks, not all kinds of sports will stimulate asthma, and some asthma If children can participate in some appropriate physical exercise for a long time, they can also reduce the reactions that trigger asthma.

  3. Can aggressive treatment of allergic rhinitis prevent asthma?

  Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma airway inflammation are both allergic inflammation of the respiratory tract In addition to the different parts, the two are very similar in other respects. According to statistics, the proportion of bronchial asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis is as high as 40%-60%. If your child often has nasal itching, continuous sneezing, runny nose and stuffy nose, you should consult a doctor. Because active treatment of allergic rhinitis can prevent the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

  4. The goal of asthma treatment

  Relieve symptoms, improve quality of life, ensure children’s normal physical and mental development, prevent complications, and avoid emergence after treatment Adverse reactions. Children with asthma should be treated early, so as to protect children''s physical and mental health, and prevent irreversible damage to lung function, and early treatment is very effective. If diagnosis and treatment are too late, it will cause treatment difficulties and clinical cure. The possibility is small.

  5. What is asthma education and management

  ①Educate children and parents to cooperate with asthma management plan to establish partnership with doctors;②Use clinical Symptoms, dosage of medication, lung function assessment and monitoring of asthma severity; ③ avoidance or control of asthma triggers; ④ formulate long-term management of individualized treatment plans; ⑤ formulate treatment plans for managing acute attacks; ⑥ provide regular follow-up health care. The management of asthma treatment has the same important role as drug treatment. Only by choosing and using drugs under the guidance of a doctor can asthma be well treated. Parents should not buy medicines for their children, which will delay the best treatment opportunities.

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