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What are the traditional Chinese medicine treatments of neck, shoulder and low back pain

BY Iris Wheatley 2018-08-09

  Everyone is familiar with cervical spondylosis. At present, with the popularization of computers and mobile phones, the population of cervical spondylosis is expanding, and it is showing a trend of younger age.

  What is cervical spondylosis?

  Simply put, cervical spondylosis is cervical disc herniation, or degenerative changes of intervertebral joints, secondary pathological changes, involving its surrounding tissue structure, For example, the nerve root, spinal cord, vertebral artery, sympathetic nerve, etc., and the corresponding clinical manifestations are cervical spondylosis.

  Cervical spondylosis classification and diagnostic criteria

  Cervical spondylosis is divided into nerve root type, spinal cord type, vertebral artery type, sympathetic nerve type, and one This is called the neck type. Doctors have investigated 1,009 patients, of which the nerve root type accounts for 59%, the spinal cord type is more than ten percent, the sympathetic type and the vertebral artery type are both 10%, and some are mixed.

  Neck type

  Cervical spine degeneration causes local neck and shoulder pain, or causes head and neck shoulder pain, which is cervical cervical spondylosis. Cervical spondylosis is mainly caused by abnormal sensation of head, neck and shoulder. For example, stiff neck, uncomfortable neck, uncomfortable, generally no hand numbness and dizziness, but if the X-ray shows that the curvature of the cervical spine has changed, or the shoulder joint is unstable, this is cervical cervical spondylosis.

   There are also people with special shoulder pain, how to distinguish between cervical spondylosis and periarthritis? In fact, there is a relatively simple method, if it is periarthritis, generally arm movement will be limited and can not be lifted Or it will be very painful to lift. If there is shoulder pain caused by cervical spondylosis, the problem of arm movement will not be too great.

  Nerve root type

   is cervical disc degeneration, movement or sensory disturbance caused by stimulation or compression of the cervical nerve root. Typical symptoms are numbness and pain. X-ray film showed unstable changes in curvature, or bone hyperplasia, no obvious effect of pain point closure, this is a typical symptom of nerve root type. The causes of neck and shoulder pain are very complicated, such as trauma, tumors, inflammation, etc., neck and shoulder pain may occur, you must carefully distinguish.

   For example, there is a 40-year-old female patient who had a severe neck and shoulder pain at that time. After acupuncture and moxibustion, she did not feel pain at the time. But the doctor found that the patient''s face was particularly tired, and asked her if she had any other symptoms. She said she had a low fever for more than two weeks. The doctor advised her to check the blood again. As a result, she had acute leukemia, and neck and shoulder pain was a sign of inflammation of the disease.

  Spinal cord type

  Cervical spondylotic myelopathy, as the name implies, compresses the spinal cord. Cervical spine disease makes the spinal cord compressed and ischemic, resulting in spinal cord conduction dysfunction. The most important clinical manifestation is walking like cotton, numbness and weakness in the limbs, walking deep and shallow.

  Vertebral artery type

  Vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis is due to joint hyperplasia stimulation compressing the vertebral artery, resulting in insufficient blood supply. The typical symptom is cervical dizziness, also called spinal dizziness. For example, when the patient walks in front, someone behind suddenly yells. When he turns around, he falls to the ground. Vertigo is very complicated. Not only can cervical spondylosis cause dizziness, but ears, mental system, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, tumors, etc. may cause dizziness. Therefore, if there are specific symptoms, you need to ask a professional doctor to check the diagnosis.

  Sympathetic type

  Sympathetic type is due to the change of cervical disc degeneration that stimulates the sympathetic nerve and causes a series of onset symptoms. Sympathetic homework actually makes everyone nervous. For example, when a tiger suddenly appears in front of you, everyone will be very nervous, with wide eyes and increased blood supply to the blood vessels. If cervical spondylosis stimulates the sympathetic nerves, what will it feel like? It will be very painful and it is a state of tension every day, so I feel very uncomfortable. There are many branches of sympathetic nerves, some dominate the eyes, some dominate the pupils, and some dominate the blood vessels. They are very complicated and difficult to diagnose.

  Treatment of cervical spondylosis

   Cervical spondylosis rarely requires surgical treatment, and generally non-surgical treatment is used. Such as closure, acupuncture, massage, cupping, dehydration therapy, medication, physical therapy, etc.

  Many people have heard of traction to treat cervical spondylopathy, but traction is not something that everyone can do. It has certain indications, it is best not to do it casually, consult a professional doctor.

  If conditions permit, you can do some drug application. Here can provide a recipe for everyone, using 150 grams each of Chuanwu and Caowu, 30 grams each of Angelica and Qingfeng, 15 grams each of Asarum and Cinnamon, and mix it with rice wine to make a small medicated cake. It is also very effective for sticking to the pain point on the neck. But if you have allergies, it is not suitable.

   can also be smoked and washed with traditional Chinese medicine, that is, heating the traditional Chinese medicine on the neck pain point, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and then through the meridian. There is also an oral medicine called Gegen Tang, which is very effective in treating cervical spondylosis. Of course, not all cervical spondylosis is suitable for this prescription.

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