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Baby anemia symptoms
Baby anemia symptoms
Once a baby has anemia, the first symptoms will be pale skin and mucous membranes, and malnutrition symptoms such as poor physical development and short stature. Many children have correspond
BY Carol Carey 2019-12-07
What are the symptoms of anemia in children?
What are the symptoms of anemia in children?
The symptoms of anemia in children are related to its type. The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include general symptoms, hematopoietic organ symptoms and other symptoms. Symptoms of meg
BY Carol Carey 2019-12-06
Can pediatric anemia heal itself
Can pediatric anemia heal itself
Pediatric anemia depends on the severity of the condition. If it is only mild anemia, there is no obvious clinical symptoms, and it can be cured without special treatment. However, if the a
BY Carol Carey 2019-12-06
What happened to the purple fingernails
What happened to the purple fingernails
Under normal circumstances, the fingernails are pink and the surface is very smooth. However, in daily life, some people encounter purple fingernails. If the symptoms are serious, they wil
BY Edwina Ellis 2019-01-08
What to do if your fingernails become purple
What to do if your fingernails become purple
Chinese medicine can judge the health of the patient by the color and shape of the nail. For example, the purple color of some people’s fingernails is an abnormal condition. This may be tha
BY Edwina Ellis 2019-01-08
What's wrong with a fingernail without a crescent
What's wrong with a fingernail without a crescent
There will be a crescent-shaped small white edge at the boundary between the fingernail and the skin. This is called a half-moon mark in medicine. It can generally account for about 1/5 of
BY Edwina Ellis 2019-01-08