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Do you really understand the benefits of soybeans on the human body
Do you really understand the benefits of soybeans on the human body
Studies have shown that women''s estrogen levels drop dramatically after menopause, and they are very susceptible to osteoporosis. The rich soybean isoflavones in beans and soy prod
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11
What can be eaten from soybeans?
What can be eaten from soybeans?
Two thousand and one hundred years ago, Liu An, the king of Huainan, tried to live forever, but invented tofu by mistake. Or tofu is indeed an elixir that can live forever, because it can r
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11
Selenium and cancer prevention and health care
Selenium and cancer prevention and health care
It can be found in the hospital clinic that the number of cancer patients has increased a lot in the past two decades. These are not only related to environmental factors, food safety facto
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11
What diseases can selenium deficiency cause
What diseases can selenium deficiency cause
Selenium is a very special anti-oxidant substance in minerals, which belongs to essential trace elements of human body. Selenium not only has antioxidant properties, but also an important s
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11
Which food does not have pesticides?
Which food does not have pesticides?
If we evaluate the nutritional value of food nearly two or three decades ago, the main basis is the amount of protein and the proportion of essential amino acids. So now, our living conditi
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11
Several medicinal values of Chi Shi
Several medicinal values of Chi Shi
Speaking of Qiushi, many people may be relatively unfamiliar. It is a Chinese medicine name and a commonly used dietary material. Don’t ignore this little Qiushi, its health benefits are v
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11