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What should I do with obesity caused by phlegm?

Female  40 years old 2018-06-29
I eat a lot and eat a lot of every meal. The inspection is caused by phlegm. What should I do if obesity is caused by phlegm?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2018-06-29
    People with phlegm and dampness are polymorphic and obese. They are easily tired and suffer from diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The daily diet should be light, and it is advisable to eat seven or eight full meals per meal. Alcohol is not suitable for drinking. Eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those with spleen and dampness, and lungs and expectorants, such as radish, seaweed, Coix seed, winter melon, red bean, lentils, etc., eat less sweet, sticky, greasy food.

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