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Is it easy to get fat if you love meat?

Male  27 years old 2018-06-26
I have always loved meat since I was a child, so there has always been a girl named Fatty. Will it be easy to get fat if you love meat?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-06-26
    The energy density of dietary fat is high. Excessive intake can easily lead to excessive energy and ketosis. Saturated fatty acids are easily converted into body fat, causing obesity. Some scholars believe that the body has a control system that regulates the body fat content at a certain level and becomes the setting point. Obesity has a high set point, making it difficult to lose weight, or difficult to maintain after losing weight. The digestion and absorption of mono- and disaccharides are fast, and the body is easily subjected to the impact load of polysaccharides, and the feedback insulin is excessively secreted, which promotes glucose to enter the cell to synthesize body fat.

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