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Is it easy to get high blood pressure if you eat too much oil?

Male  23 years old 2018-06-23
I went to the supermarket to buy some oily horns. I heard that eating oily horns easily leads to high blood pressure. Is this true?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-06-23
    Fried snacks such as Jiao Jiao and Egg Powder are an indispensable new year for Cantonese people. It tastes crispy and crispy, and the mouth is full of fragrance, which adults and children like. Because it is a snack, it will eat a lot without knowing it. This type of food contains more fat, and eating more will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and affect the normal appetite. What's worse is that if you eat too much, it will cause fat to accumulate in the body, and also increase obesity, high blood fat, and crown Risk of heart disease and fatty liver.

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