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Raw bitter gourd can lose a few pounds a week

Male  26 years old 2018-06-23
I am a fat man with a lot of meat on my stomach. Sometimes I am teased by people around me. I heard that this flower can reduce weight. I would like to ask how many pounds can I eat raw bitter melon a week?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-06-23
    The calories contained in bitter gourd are very low, almost can be counted as no, eating raw bitter gourd can suppress the production of fat and help you lose weight, high blood fat people are also very suitable, only 100 calories per 100g bitter gourd, than Small tomatoes are much lower, and the feeling of fullness is also quite strong. The bitter melon contained in bitter gourd can also prevent fat from being absorbed. The rich vitamin C can also whiten the skin. Keep eating bitter gourd a week, and you can lose at least 20 jin.

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