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What are the hazards of not eating breakfast?

Male  24 years old 2018-06-20
The place to go to work is far away. Every morning I go directly to work without breakfast. Is it harmful if I skip breakfast?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2018-06-20
    Office workers generally stay in bed until the last minute. Of course, they are too late to eat breakfast. In fact, office workers often eat out for lunch and dinner, so breakfast should be more nutritious. Researchers at the University of Erlangen in Germany, after a long-term follow-up of 7,000 male and female subjects, found that people who are used to skipping breakfast accounted for 40% of their lives, and their life expectancy was 2.5 years shorter than that of the rest of the 60%. And another university found in a study of 80-90-year-olds that one of their longevity in common is to eat a rich breakfast every day.

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