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Is the nutrition of vegetables and fruits really high?

Female  30 years old 2018-06-18
Many people habitually make fresh vegetables and fruits into salads. Is this really nutritious?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-06-18
    When making salads, don't cook vegetables with "vitamin C-decomposing enzymes" together with fruits. Carrots, cucumbers, apples, bananas and other vegetables and fruits contain "vitamin C-decomposing enzymes", mixed eating will destroy the vitamin C contained in other vegetables and fruits. However, this kind of decomposition enzyme is afraid of heat. When making a salad, carrots can be heated before use; apples, bananas and other fruits that are not easy to heat can be poured with lemon juice first, which also has the effect of destroying decomposition enzymes.

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