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What are the medicinal values of lotus root?

Female  27 years old 2018-06-10
I have a little diarrhea recently. I heard that lotus root can be eaten. What medical value does lotus root have?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2018-06-10
    Root lotus, slightly sweet and crisp, rich in nutrients, contains a lot of vitamin C and dietary fiber, it is very refreshing to eat, lotus root can be eaten raw or can be used for cooking, raw lotus root is sweet and cold, has the functions of reducing blood stasis and clearing heat, eliminating anxiety and thirst; The cooked lotus root is sweet and warm, which is beneficial to the spleen and stomach, and has the effects of nourishing the stomach and nourishing yin, nourishing blood and stopping diarrhea. The medicinal value is quite high.

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