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Can fracture patients drink bone soup?

Male  30 years old 2018-06-06
My husband has a broken bone. Now I give him a stew of bone soup every day. Can a fracture patient drink this soup?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-06-06
    Patients with fractures are not suitable for drinking bone soup. Because the regeneration of bone after injury, mainly depends on the role of periosteal and bone marrow. Periosteum and bone marrow can only function better if they increase collagen. The main components of the meat and bone soup are calcium and phosphorus. If a large amount of calcium and phosphorus is taken after the fracture, the inorganic components in the bone will increase, resulting in an imbalance of the ratio of organic and inorganic substances in the bone, which hinders the early healing of the fracture .

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