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What is the content of diet therapy song?

Male  38 years old 2018-05-19
In daily life, many of the foods we eat have their own effects. Want to know what the diet songs are?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-05-19
    Salt and vinegar anti-virus, leeks nourishing kidneys and warming the knees and waist, radishes reduce phlegm and reduce flatulence, celery lowers blood pressure, pepper drives cold and dehumidifies, onion and spicy ginger soup cures cold garlic, suppresses gastroenteritis, mung bean relieves heat, pears are good for lungs and phlegm, stomach and kidney are good Red dates, tomatoes to enrich blood and beauty, poultry and eggs are high in nutrition and nutrition, peanuts can lower cholesterol, melons can reduce swelling and diuresis, fish and shrimp can make up milk, animal liver has good eyesight, health and tranquility, ebony, lungs and hair, walnuts, Honey is good for lungs and phlegm, grapes are pleasant for young people, bananas are laxative and stomachic, apples have high antidiarrheal nutrition, kelp contains calcium and iodine, mushrooms inhibit cancer cells, cabbage, diuretic and detoxification, cauliflower often eats less cancer

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