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Can pig skin supplement collagen

Female  26 years old 2018-05-01
I heard that eating pigskin can supplement collagen, what is the effect, and what are the benefits of eating pigskin?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-05-01
    Eating pigskin for a long time can also slow down the aging of the body's cells, which will greatly improve the symptoms of yin deficiency and internal heat. Pigskin can supplement collagen, pigskin is sweet, cool, nourishing yin and nourishing, clearing heat and pharyngeal. The effect is that the calorie of 100 grams of pork skin is not low, about 350 calories. If it is made into jelly, the calorie is not high, you can also add some vegetables to eat together.

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