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Is the egg fruit nutritious?

Female  23 years old 2020-05-10
I bought some eggs and fruit to eat during this time. I heard that eating is good for the body. Is it nutritious to eat?

2 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2020-05-10
    Egg fruit not only tastes very good, but also very nutritious. Egg fruit is rich in 17 amino acids, various vitamins and carotenoids and various trace elements needed by the human body, soluble solids 15-16%, total acidity 3.8-4%, sweet and sour moderate. Eating eggs and their processed products often helps the human body to digest, reduce phlegm, cure kidney deficiency, refresh the brain, promote blood circulation, strengthen the body, calm pain, reduce pressure and reduce fat.
  • BY Mandel Wilhelmina 2020-04-21
    Therefore, irregular menstruation, taking birth control pills, liver function, or chronic kidney disease can cause chloasma. The sun and mental stress will increase the color of the chloasma, and appear as large yellowish spots. The appearance of chloasma is mostly related to endocrine, especially the female hormone levels. You must have enough sleep and rest, pay attention to a balanced diet, you can choose foods with high protein, eat more vegetables and fruits, and improve your own immunity.

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