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Can eating lychees lower blood sugar?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

   was the first to know that litchi came from a childhood textbook Su Dongpo''s poem "Three hundred litchis persevere, and a long time to be a Lingnan." Later, as a soldier, he came to a field unit in Zhangzhou, Fujian. By chance, the local lychee trees were everywhere. Since then, he has had the opportunity to feast on himself.

   Recently, a TV station director asked the question of litchi disease. I feel that it is still necessary to discuss with you. Some people have high blood sugar, but believe that most of the sugar in the litchi is fructose, so people with diabetes will not increase the sugar after eating, but have the effect of lowering the sugar; others have dizziness, puffiness, sweating and other uncomfortable conditions after eating the litchi. What is the reason for these conditions? How to avoid it?

   In fact, the first question about diabetic people eating lychee is still a good answer. In short, try it yourself. The fresh lychee contains about 16% sugar, which is quite high in fruit. However, many people believe that litchi contains low glucose and high fructose content, so eating litchi will not only raise blood sugar but also lower blood sugar! Is it true? For this reason, I bought three kilograms of fresh litchi, and colleagues I ate a large meal together on an empty stomach, and as a result, each person only ate a kilogram (1000 grams) and "stuck" it. It''s too sweet, really disgusting!

  Before eating litchi, we all checked the fasting blood sugar, which was 5.0. When I checked the blood sugar one hour after eating lychee, my postprandial blood glucose was 5.9; my colleagues'' postprandial blood glucose was 8. Although the number of people participating in the experiment is relatively small, it is not easy to calculate the average change in blood sugar after eating litchi, but the legend that eating litchi can lower blood sugar is so vulnerable. Now, many of our sugar friends have their own blood glucose meters. You can try it a little bit! However, even if you ate 1,000 grams of lychee, the net pulp was 600 grams × 16% sugar content = 960 kilocalories, which is enough Great boy has a decent calorie for Chinese food!

   has said it again, although Su Dongpo said about the wildness of eating 300 litchis a day, in reality I believe that not many people can do it. I roughly calculated that 25 litres of big litchi and 30 litres of small one on the day. If you calculate according to this size of litchi, the three hundred litchis will be at least 10 pounds! It’s strange if you don’t get poisoned!

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