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Which food does not have pesticides?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  If we evaluate the nutritional value of food nearly two or three decades ago, the main basis is the amount of protein and the proportion of essential amino acids. So now, our living conditions are good, and protein foods such as meat and poultry eggs are rarely inadequate. Many people cause a series of chronic diseases and even cancer due to excessive protein intake. Then, foods that have a balanced diet, prevent chronic diseases and cancer, and are more nutritious than high-protein foods.

   In this kind of food, the nutritional function of mushroom food should not be underestimated. This type of food has some common characteristics: low calories, high dietary fiber, high content of fungal polysaccharides, high vitamins and minerals, and low fat content, low calories, no cholesterol and so on. For hypertensive patients, mushrooms are high-potassium and low-sodium foods, which can help reduce blood sodium levels, relieve puffiness, and lower blood pressure; the rich ergosterol in mushrooms, as well as polysaccharides such as dietary fiber and β-glucan And B vitamins can help reduce postprandial blood sugar, improve glucose tolerance, and prevent and alleviate complications of diabetes.

  Mushrooms and vegetables are both vegetarian, but the former are fungi and the latter are plants; the growth of vegetables generally uses pesticides and fertilizers, and the production process of mushrooms is relatively simple, without the need for chemical fertilizers, let alone Need pesticides. The medium for mushrooms is generally wood or sawdust as a substrate, which is sterilized at 120 degrees Celsius to kill miscellaneous bacteria, and then cultivated, fermented, bagged and implanted with vaccines. After a series of clean operation procedures, strict control of temperature and humidity Until the mushrooms grow.

   Compared with vegetables, mushrooms also have an advantage, that is, the vegetables suffer from severe nutrient loss after sun drying, and the main nutrients are lost. Mushrooms and other fungus foods are different. After drying, except for a small amount of B vitamins, no more nutrients are lost, and vitamin D content will also increase due to sun exposure. Taking Pleurotus eryngii as an example, it is famous for its aroma of almonds and its taste very similar to abalone. Pleurotus eryngii is a low-temperature fungus that generally grows within a low temperature range of 12 degrees Celsius. Pleurotus eryngii is rich in dozens of amino acids, including many essential amino acids.

  In addition, Pleurotus eryngii is high in dietary fiber, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. It is very suitable for diabetics and can effectively reduce postprandial blood sugar. Moreover, the texture of Pleurotus eryngii is very suitable for various cooking methods, whether it is fried or braised, stewed, cold mixed, and stuffed, it tastes rich and fat. Therefore, Pleurotus eryngii can prepare various dishes in Chinese cuisine, whether it is home-cooked food, private dishes, or government dishes.

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