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What can be eaten from soybeans?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  Two thousand and one hundred years ago, Liu An, the king of Huainan, tried to live forever, but invented tofu by mistake. Or tofu is indeed an elixir that can live forever, because it can really nourish our bodies!

  The high-quality protein in tofu (the best in plants) has long been recognized by everyone. The proportion is equivalent to meat, but the fat content is much lower than most meat. The most prominent advantage of tofu is the significant mineral content, especially the calcium and magnesium are higher than equal weight milk, and the proportion is correct and easy to absorb.

   Tofu also contains many nutrients, such as stigmasterol, riboflavin, vitamin E, lecithin, etc., which has a significant effect on preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. Anti-nutrients in beans, such as trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid, and soybean saponins, are also basically removed due to their processing characteristics.

  In reality, our diet structure is no longer lacking in caloric nutrients such as protein and fat. The high-energy, high-protein and high-fat diet structure has now caused a large number of people with chronic metabolic diseases and cancer. For chronic diseases and cancer problems, we can prevent and alleviate the disease through dietary regulation. For example, regular soy products can not only help lower blood pressure, lower serum cholesterol and postprandial blood sugar, but also have a good role in preventing and relieving osteoporosis, senile fractures, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and even cancer.

   Tofu contains some important chemical nutrients, such as soybean isoflavones, which are abundant. Soy isoflavones are high in legumes, especially in soybeans and soy products, because their structure is similar to estradiol and has a weak estrogen effect. Moreover, soy isoflavones have two-way regulation, and will not cause excessive estrogen levels in the body because they often eat soy products, which means that they have an inhibitory effect on high estrogen levels and a slight increase in low estrogen levels.

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