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Dietary treatment of acute diarrhea

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  At the end of spring and early summer, whether it is the Sichuan earthquake disaster that people are concerned about or our annual seasonal disease prevention, we should focus on the prevention and treatment of dysentery and diarrhea. The weather is getting hotter, a large number of fresh fruits are on the market, and cold drinks and ice cream are also selling well. Of course, bacterial microorganisms are active, and various types of diarrhea are also starting to occur.

  Diarrhea is not considered to be a serious illness by many people, but it can be fatal if the treatment is not timely and causes serious complications. If you are unfortunately "shot", then in addition to timely medical treatment, you also need to scientifically and rationally adjust your diet. Only in this way can you get rid of the pain of diarrhea more quickly.

   Acute diarrhea starts from the beginning, there are many urgent and heavy watery stools, it is very common to run the toilet more than ten times a day, but many people do not understand the proper dietary conditioning, the result is that every time you use the toilet "Opening the gate to release water" was painful. The dietary principle at this time is: when the diarrhea is severe, you can choose to fast and appropriate water for the day, but you must emergency intravenous infusion, or adjust the body electrolytes with fresh saline and rehydration salt under the guidance of the doctor to avoid dehydration and potassium, Electrolyte disorders such as sodium;

  If the diarrhea is slow or light, but there is often obvious bowel sounds or loose stools, after the doctor confirms the diagnosis, you can use rice flour, lotus root powder, thin cornmeal porridge, oil-free chicken soup, rice soup ( Rice oil, which is not oil, is thicker rice soup.) At this time, it is not suitable to use milk, sugar, whole grain cereal staple foods, coarse grains and beans, so as to avoid flatulence or excessive intestinal peristalsis due to excessive dietary fiber .

  After the diarrhea is under control, you can eat roasted fried rice porridge, fried noodle porridge (with a very good astringent effect), or you can use the soybean milk machine to make the rice gruel paste, but you need to ban oil. It should be noted that before this, it is necessary to control multi-fiber vegetables, fresh fruits, meat and tobacco;

  After the diarrhea is completely controlled, you can eat a small number of times, but you should use cereals Mainly, avoid fried foods that contain too much fat and are not suitable for digestion, such as fritters, fritters, pancakes, pies, fried noodles, etc. should not be eaten too early.

  In order to avoid the occurrence of acute diarrhea in early summer, excessive consumption of cold food should be controlled in the daily diet, especially the instant cold drinks or fruits taken out of the refrigerator should not be eaten often. At the beginning of summer, the sudden rise in temperature makes the preservation of food withstand the test, especially meat needs to be thoroughly heated. Managing your own diet is an important step in monitoring your health!

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